
Southeastern Minnesota’s Agronomy Experts.

We are agronomy specialists when it comes to both conventional and organic agriculture.


We can design a custom fertilizer plan to suit your needs, whether you’re a traditional or organic farmer.


If you’re in need of expert input on your seed, nutrient, or crop protection plans, contact Life Cycle Agronomy now!

We have the resources to support specialty and commodity crops with our extensive offerings of seeds, fertilizers, crop protection strategies, and agronomy consulting services.

If you’re a traditional farmer looking to make the transition to organic farming, Life Cycle Agronomy can help! We’re experts in organic certified seeds, nutrients, fertilizers, and crop protection strategies. Let the experts at Life Cycle Agronomy guide your growth toward sustainability and profitability with our organic farming expertise.

We stay current on innovations in agronomy, providing superior services to increase our clients’ sustainability and profitability.